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Invitation – Webinar “Aspire to Achieve More @Hong Kong: Accelerate Your Career Path in Asia’s Leading Innovation and Technology Hub”

Date: Thursday 20 January 2022

Time: 12:00pm – 1:20pm (Vietnam time)


Over the past three years or so, the HKSAR Government has devoted bountiful of resources and efforts on innovation and technology (I&T) development in Hong Kong, which included expanding the I&T talent pool through a variety of funding schemes as well as enhancing the talent admission regime and support for startups. Migration schemes targeting at I&T or talented individuals and professionals were also launched to attract and facilitate the relocation of non-local talents to work in Hong Kong.

Given the close tie between Hong Kong and the ASEAN countries, we are offering ASEAN talents emerging opportunities in this amazing city which is just a few hours away from your hometown. Join our webinar and break-out sessions to find out more about Hong Kong’s latest I&T landscape and get useful tips from our experienced speakers to start your new journey in Asia’s leading I&T hub.

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